Cape Atlantic Paranormal Research Society, Inc. What is the Paranormal? The paranormal encompasses many things. It can be considered as something that cannot be scientifically explained. This has not stopped people from conducting research and investigating locations throughout the world ... known as Ghost Hunting.
Paranormal, as it is used in the researchers’ vernacular, is defined as: 1) Experiences that lie outside the range of normal experience and/or scientific explanation. 2) Phenomena understood to be outside of science's current ability to explain and/or measure. 3) Phenomena inconsistent with the world as already understood through empirical observation, coupled with scientific methodology.
The answers we are looking for may not be found during our lifetimes, but through the efforts of dedicated believers and seekers we will leave it understanding a little more about what may lie beyond.
Understanding What You Are Experiencing Bumps in the night, disembodied voices, the feeling of a presence ... when put in those terms it all sounds a little scary. But in reality, you should not be afraid at all! Knowledge is empowering and the first step to attaining this is to understand what you are experiencing.